Posted by Loren Aandahl on February 14, 2014 
An exceptional picture. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by Mark Rosnick on February 14, 2014 
What an interesting photo. PCA vote from me.
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on February 14, 2014 
Love the perspective on this.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on February 14, 2014 
Amazing view. But I can see why China has a pollution problem and I certainly would not want to live in those apartments.
Posted by Cameron Applegath on February 14, 2014 
Throw this in a list for best of 2014.
Posted by Tom Gorton on February 15, 2014 
I thought this was a shot of special effects for a movie. Spectacular photo!! I live in south China but we don't have any steam on the rails. Kinda wish we did aside from the pollution.
Posted by Dana M. on February 16, 2014 
Just what the heck is going on in this photo? It's impressive, but what is happening? That is not the steam/smoke exhaust from the locomotive, it does look like an explosion though!
Posted by E-Unit on February 17, 2014 
Looks to be a slag dump.
Posted by Zezhou Wang on February 22, 2014 
Thank you all! That's sure it is a slag dump. That's a rude way to dispose the slag from the power station in Fuxin and soon the rude way had been forbidden by the environmental institution. Now the slag from power station is mixed with water.
Posted by on February 25, 2014 
Amazing and unique shot. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by Joshua H. on March 1, 2014 
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