Bill, the “company photographer” you mention sure looks like famous Denver railroad photographer Richard Kindig to me.
It does look like him, Mike. Alas, it wasn't Kindig, whom I would have rccognized -- I used to sit in his railroad den poring through his pictures. There' a further story behind this photo, one of s dozen made on the occasion. The evening before I was sitting in the Manhattan, Kansas UP station awaiting to catch the City of St.Louis back to Denver when this vfreight rolled in with the first DD35s I had ever seen. I asked the crew what was going on -- the KP ever got much in the way of heavy power -- and they told me about the experiment. Earlythe net morning, the City passed this train somewhere east of Limon and i snapped a shot from the vestibule. Needess to say, when I got to Denver, I grabbed my car and camera ad headed out to catch its arrival. Never saw so many railroaders -- brass and workers -- in one place at one time.