Ah, Jack Rabbit, Arizona....As a kid in the late 50's and early 60's, my family and I would take a trip from Los Angeles to Memphis every summer. Of course, we took the Mother Road, US-66. No I-40 then. As we would cross into AZ, the signs would start: only xxx miles to Jack Rabbit. I think they were more numerous than the Burma-Shave signs. When we would finally go by there, it was a relief to know no more signs, as they were really stupid. Now in my late 60's, I sort of wish I would have counted how many of those dumb signs were out there. We never stopped, as my dad would do a 'marathon' drive non-stop LA - Memphis. I still don't know how he did it. What would I give to see a picture of ATSF Zebra painted RSD-15's blowing by this sign now!! Oh well... Thanks Steve, for the very sharp memories of my 'kidhood.'