Posted by FSWood on July 14, 2018 | |
You know what, I just discovered that the Railpictures view of Arlington, Tennessee, doesn't zoom and pan like the Google Streetview of it does. Who knew. New construction in background here seems to be replacing a feed mill looking conglomeration which would make a good model railroad structure. I wonder if concrete circle might have been foundation for a water tower back in the day. From Google maps satellite view I wonder whether building just poking in to upper right edge of image here, Arlington Floral and Gifts, might have previously been a railroad building of some sort. Just barely visible as second building to rear of construction project is building which turns out to be Sam T. Wilson Public Library and its foreshortened horseshoe crab/Ferengi Marauder plan view has me mystified as to where its main entrance is although satellite view has eliminated 1 of the sides from having it. Interesting area, also has Rachel HK Burrow Museum and Harrell Log Cabin, which have me curious to look up what they are about. Okay, found web page with text from historic marker at Museum. "Early pioneers settled in the Arlington area around 1830. A depot, called Withe Station, was established in 1856...." Is it safe to assume depot is a railroad depot or might it be some other type of depot?
Happened to be in the area yesterday. The concrete circle doesn’t have any indications it once had a water tower, but assuming the station once had a house track it definitely would have been lined up correctly. Arlington Floral looks to modern to have ever been used by the railroad. Not sure about Withe Station, I can’t find any old pictures of the square. By the way the main entrance to the library seemed to be on the east side.