Posted by Robert Jordan on July 14, 2019 
That is a really nice view in the curve and detailed explanation. Had heard about it.
Posted by Ringo Clark - on July 15, 2019 
I like travelling by Train, but mishaps aside, you need to be a tad more reliable if you want ridership to grow and eliminate the public's opinion of Amtrak, which isn't all that great
Posted by William Diehl on July 15, 2019 
The 5454 crapped out, not the other P42.
Posted by Randy on July 18, 2019 
Oh boy. To get "sun-lit" shot like this, it HAD to be over 12 hours late. Very nice photo.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on August 9, 2019 
Right place, right time, right photographer - however, don't expect any calls from the Amtrak promotional department! Adding to the "Serendipitous" RP album, but, for the catch, not the passengers on board!
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