Posted by FSWood on October 20, 2019 
Went to go look at station on Google maps and Street View, because I like these kinds of station buildings. Apparently the station serves buses too, when the Google Street View car went by there was a parallel parked bus blocking view of lower story of station. There is a turntable just to NE of station building. And then to NE of that some petrol products storage tanks and what looks like a maintenance shop building. And then to the NE of that over along Chrisovergi street is a far bigger point of interest, both the satellite view and the street views around it have deliberately obscured a several block area between that street and Arkadioupoleos street. Hmm, interesting.
Posted by Brama on October 20, 2019 
Check the same area with Microsoft Bing maps, there isn't any blurring. Nothing much to see, though.
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