No problem. We can get our flour from CHINA!
Too bad, I wonder what long term supply issues means.
While its not totally known there are several issues at play where the flour mill is located.
First and foremost I see that the big supply chain issue is the Flats Industrial Railroad getting squeezed out of business by gentrification of the area. A developer is trying to heavily change the Scranton Peninsula into to high density mixed use development, and the Flat Industrial yard and trackage is right in the center of it all. SUPPOSEDLY the Flats Industrial RR told Grain Craft they will no longer be able to serve them after July 2020 so that's part of the issue. Once upon a time the grain was mostly delivered by ships coming up the Cuyahoga River, both that ended around 30 years ago +/-
A second part of the issue is where the flour mill is was once a location surrounded by heavy industry/warehouses/supply houses. Today as development continues to creep in its surrounded by residential living, and most people don't like the sounds of a flour mill 24/7. On the same note on location, getting flour trucks out of there has become more and more difficult as time has went on as well. When trucks are loading flour they block most of the street.Even though its on a back street it still creates issues. While that once wasn't an issue, once again gentrification has brought different traffic pattern to the area.
As a whole Grain Craft has been consolidating its facilities west of the Mississippi since acquiring Cereal Foods Processors (the previous owner of the mill)
Posted by mmi16 on May 7, 2020 | |
Miss the days when the Flats were truly HEAVY industry.
While it is sad when any railroad is shut down, this one wasn't much more than a couple of switchers moving a car or two - maybe a few miles or so at the most. The changing of the flats from an industiral enviromental mess to a cleaner, more residential place is a change for the better.