The flames look like they're coming up through the gaps in the planks so maybe the fire is underneath them, but two of the planks look like they've been completely cooked. Any idea of what caused it and whether it was quickly contained?
My great grand pa worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad. I have a lot of old photo cards that he took. There all framed and in great condition. His favorite locomotive to run was the T-1.
Posted by FSWood on January 15, 2021 | |
Hmm, am looking at cut tree branches near and under next set of planks and thinking the fire is a planned action with the sticks and the rag bundle placed there as fire starting tinder, but could it be an officially planned action for something like firefighting practice prior to plank removal, speculation, true, but that style of thing sometimes is done.
My guess would be that sparks from a brake application ignited those crossing boards.