Leased power from Rail Power and Seymour Rail Heritage Centre has been regularly used on SCT's Dooen to Melbourne Freight of late. As is the case here, CLF4, C501 & CSR006 haul 7922 up freight thr... (more)
The "Mildura Fruit Flyer" heading along the Western mainline, with XR558 and BL27 providing the horses.
Pacific National's loaded grain train 7728 from Dimboola races fast through Ararat led by X48, BL33 & G520 bound for Appleton Dock, Melbourne. It makes for a pleasent change that the PN crews seem... (more)
A group of old timers are called in for duty to work SSR's Emerald grain train from Dimboola to Appleton Dock. B61, GM10, GM22 & L277 combine to work 7934V just south of Ararat with the sun bursti... (more)