Shay 11 idles among the Red Spruce on the line to Bald Knob.
MRSLHA Cass Railfan weekend event
The Fireman on Shay 6 shovels coal into the fire box as the train descends the hill from Bald Knob on Cass Scenic Railway... Thanks to MSR&LHA for the awesome weekend!
Mower Lumber Company Shay #1 at Bald Knob in May 1962. The tender was lettered for the Greenbriar, Cheat & Bald Knob for a railfan trip hosted by the NRHS Huntington Chapter. This engine is preser... (more)
Cass Scenic Railroad Shay 5 heads out of the WYE as Cass Shay 11 sits waiting for its next move during 2010 Cass Railfan Weekend.
Shay 6 drifts downgrade from Bald Knob. With temperatures in the 20's, the passengers were eager to get off the mountain on this day.
Shay 5 is seen at the emergency water tank below Bald Knob with a light dusting of snow which occurred over night. On our way down the mountain the snow wold begin to pick up and a additional 3 in... (more)
This water tank is rarely used anymore, but it remains for emergency use. The tank is an old boiler shell from the power house of the Cass Mill. Notice the brakemen on the caboose and flatcar. ... (more)
There is not a steeper grade on the entire railroad than the final grade into Bald Knob. Ruling Grade is 9%!!! The forest at this altitude is primarily Spruce and Hemlock, much differnt than are... (more)