Siderurgic Trasona (Asturias) to Sagunto (Valencia) across the dry fields of Albacete.
Empty steel coils train crossing the fields on the way to Asturias.
Continental Rail intermodal train on its way to Valencia under dramatic clouds. The 15th century castle of Chinchilla can be seen on the hill.
This sign of the "Camino de Santiago" shows the pilgrims the way to Santiago de Compostela (over 900 kilometers from here) while passengers of #220 make their way to Murcia and Cartagena.
Southbound loaded steel coils freight passing by Chinchilla at an unusual hour.
Talgo train heading to Valencia pulled by class 252 and carried another 252 in tow.
Train #220 leaves its way under catenary to take the horseshoe curve that is the beginning of Chinchilla - Cartagena diesel line.