A North Antelope Mine, WY, to Romeoville, IL, coal load drops into the Prairie Creek watershed east of Belle Plaine. The train is working east on the UP Clinton Sub in central Iowa. This train wil... (more)
The UP main thru Iowa doesn't cross very many watersheds that causes alot of grades and difficulty for the the trains like some of the other mains thru Iowa do. One of the places where the mainlin... (more)
Alot of the UP's East-West mainline thru Iowa is flat and fairly straight since it runs along river valleys/bottoms. One of the exceptions is the trackage between Belle Plaine and Blairstown in ce... (more)
An eastbound stack train coast downhill east of Belle Plaine. Belle Plaine is located in central Iowa between Marshalltown and Cedar Rapids.
A coal train works downhill out of Belle Plain. Belle Plaine is located at MP 116 between Marshalltown and Cedar Rapids. The train work thru the valley here near the Iowa River. Winter is getting ... (more)
An empty coal train works upgrade into Belle Plaine. Cold weather and a eastbound with a broken wheel, had the East-West mainline just about shutdown for the afternoon. This train would hold at CP... (more)
An eastbound stack train drop thru the river valley east of Belle Plaine. This train will now climb the hill into Luzerne, about 30 miles west of Cedar Rapids, IA. CNW 8666 was built in April 1994... (more)