Typical power for a hot Southern Railway intermodal train way-back-when - two GP35s and two GP30s.
After stopping at Rugby Road a couple of miles back, 52G is already back up to speed, as it rolls thru the CP at Glen Mary.
Here come the next generation of Toyota vehicles! Skimming the rails at a good 55 mph is NS southbound autorack train 285 with a conventional cab Dash 9 leading.
"Puttin' the Bread On the Table" is this southbound loaded grain train cruising along the welded rail of the CNO&TP on a mighty frigid afternoon. It is so cold that just adjacent to the right of t... (more)
In the final years of Southern Steam trips , a pair of NS Geeps hauls the TVRM special southbound thru Glen Mary , Tn..
Another GE blowing smoke