Nestled on the outskirts of Milton, ON lies the Halton County Radial Railway, utilizing a mile long stretch of the old Toronto Suburban line. Among several TTC cars in running condition is this TT... (more)
Head on with a 1921 Peter Witt Streetcar, which lived it's entire life in Toronto until retirement in 1995.
The East End Café at the Museum's east loop is a popular attraction; not only for what it sells, but because it's inside a ex-TTC streetcar. This PCC car was built in 1951, and served till 1995 i... (more)
The beautifully restored interior of TTC 2424. This 1921 CC&F Peter Witt streetcar runs daily at the Halton County Museum, along with it's smaller sister and several other car types including a fe... (more)
Sitting at the Rockwood station awaiting another trip on a hot summers day. A perfect spot for a picnic is within reach.
arriving to pick up the staff from the Ice Cream car, and the last visitors before the museum closes for the night. Taken during the "Starlight and Ice Cream" event, which allowed for night photos... (more)
What I believe is the last remaining G1 subway, sits in the newly built car barn #2 at the Halton County Radial Railway. Out of the original 6 car trainset, on 5098 and 5099 remain.
Small Peter Witt 2894 is in for a motor repair after the previous one seized up. The maintenance is done carefully and efficiently, as to minimize the car`s downtime. PPE worn inside shop.
Large Peter Witt car 2424 sits idle at the Rockwood Station after bringing me back from the East end loop. The museum features a decent sized collection of small and large Peter Witt cars, the oth... (more)
Two decrepit looking Presidents Conference Cars (PCC) sit at the HCRR museum's east end turn around loop, alongside TTC 4618 (not shown) which has been converted to the "East End Cafe", an ice cre... (more)