A Hurricane Ida CSX reroute over the Alabama Southern Railroad heads east out of Tuscaloosa and over Hurricane Creek in Holt, Ala.
If I remember correctly, the operator pulled this carload of coke fresh from the smelter into the cooling tower, where it got an extended shower. Now that temps are down, he is swapping the troll... (more)
Creating coke involves extreme heat, which is why the operator has spotted a load of product fresh out of the smelter in the cooling tower for an extended shower.
Empire Coke's S2 #9068 at Holt, AL || April 1984
Empire Coke's SW9 #48 at Holt, AL || April 1984
Twin Seams Mining Shay 5 (former Meadow River) working near Holt, AL in August 1962. This operation was a former Frisco line with wooden trestles with limited maintenance, so much so that crews wo... (more)
Empire Coke Company EMD SC #570 (built for the NYC in 1936 as NYC #570) works in Holt, Alabama in 1962.