That track is really need to be cleaned.German built Henschel locomotive pull 6 grain cars from the industerial line to the main track then head with them to southern entrance of station.
Local 814 lead with G22W-AC unit begin to slow down to enter El Karakat station and then head to KFS central station.
Express 876 passing while empty grain train waiting on the industerial line for aclear signal from the signal box.
local lead by G22W-AC unit heading to Sherbeen station and be back with # 496
Local lead by Henschel unit Begin to slow to enter KFS station.
G22W-AC unit #2852 with local 504 passing the railroad crossing and slowing down to enter kfs central station.
ADTRANZ unit DE2550 over the switch during switching it in the industerial line.
Light power move backward to get empty grain car from the end of the line.
Local 497 passing El moharbeen sector when an old man get asmall relax on the tracks to continue his way after passing of the train.
Express 876 arriving KFS city in its perfect time.Thanks to the whole of my friends for helping me to think out of the box.
Driver's assistant watching conductor while checking safety of the couplers.
Local 504 passing el moharbeen sector before entering kfs central station.I hope that i can live in of those houses.
Express 876 begin to accelerate after getting clear signal from control tower.
Light power move in aswitching operation to be attached with 6 cars and heading to Cairo union station.
Empty grain cars are weighted to know the weight of load in each car and the train is waiting before the gate for aclear signal.