A single EMD leads an autorack train through the verdant Boyer River valley of western Iowa. In just a few minutes they will slow for a crew change at Missouri Valley before continuing west into ... (more)
With the 1993 midwestern flood wreaking havoc on many carriers, the railroads are doing their best to keep traffic moving via detours on the remaining lines still above water. The Santa Fe is also... (more)
At the height of the 1993 midwestern flooding many railroads are under water and scrambling to find detour routes to maintain service. At the time, the Chicago & NorthWestern is one of the few (if... (more)
A westbound ballast train for Grand Island, NE, head thru Logan in western Iowa. The UP 3300 is currently stored in 2010, in Denver, sounds like the UP plans to keep the unit for now. This day in ... (more)