Many engines stabled at Maschen Yard. The biggest Yard in Germany. 152 110-3 leaving Maschen in direction Hamburg.
German 291 036-2 works at the hump.
The greatest european railyard is alltime busy. Here are two shunters at work on a sunday afternoon: 295 068-1 rolls upgrade from the lower level getting an other train while 291 036-2 works pushi... (more)
185 123-7 manoeuvres inside Maschen railyard. The "DB" logo looks worn out. Atop the engine are four pantographs mounted allowing it to pass european frontiers with their different electric voltag... (more)
Inside Europe's biggest railyard: Diesel switcher 295 028-5 on a staging track in front of strings of electric power. 151, 152 and 143 series locos waiting for duty. There are also a complete ball... (more)
A great railyard needs power. The biggest European railyard does need a lot of electric locomotives to function well.