CLF3-BRM002-CLP9 with a rake of new CQPY wagons on transfer from Laverton to McIntyre Loop at Newport.
EL54-EL53-EL57 with 7922V up Dooen freight pass through Newport.
NR26-NR109-NR75 work 3XM4 freight through Newport.
G521 with a Qube wagon transfer from Altona to North Dynon at Newport.
CLF2-X31-C501 with 7922V up Dooen freight approach Newport.
CLF2-X31-C501 with 7922V up Dooen freight at Newport.
P16 hauling a single grain hopper from Newport to Tottenham Yard.
P16-P14-T395-T364 hauling two spoil wagons to Tottenham Yard at Newport.
G525-BL32-BL27 with an empty grain train from North Geelong to North Dynon at Newport.
44202 with a Qube steel wagon transfer from Altona to North Dynon at Newport.
T381-T363 hauling H1-H2 from Seymour approach Newport.
G535 with 7MP1 Aurizon freight to Perth at Newport.
H5-H3 trailing a 707 Operations heritage special from Seymour pass through Newport Station.
P16-P17-T386 with an empty SSR rail train from Northwestern Victoria approaches Newport.
T386 leading an empty SSR spoil train to Paisley Sidings approaches Champion Rd, Newport.