A nice little puff of smoke indicates a notch up on the throttle as the northbound Washington & Idaho "unit LPG" train deals with undulating grades and curves north of Oaksdale, WA, Sept... (more)
Washington & Idaho SD9 602 and SD40-2 3000 take their time moving a train load of propane cars (with buffer) northwest from Oaksdale toward the BNSF interchange at Marshall, WA. The line was forme... (more)
Jeramey moves two motors back to couple with the rest of the big grain train.
Stan, the president of the W&I, commands his train into the small yard.
"Back 'er up and lets try this again."
The crew of the Washington & Idaho Railway block the crossing in Oaksdale to switch the grain elevators that deliever tons of rich, Palouse wheat to the world.
1 centerbeam flatcar, 18 empty hoppers and a 3% grade. Chugging along at a mere 12mph, the 50 year-old GP11 cranks out the amps in run 6. The watch you see on the control stand keeps the official ... (more)
The biggest customer on the Washington & Idaho Railway gets a string of hoppers to send out the grain.