On a drizzly March day, a 'new blue' geep and a pair of ragged GEs wait with their train for a new crew. Probably a Roger Bee photo.
Train 276 crosses over Union Pacific's Spine Line in Owatonna, MN. This is a perfect location for an over/under shot but low train volumes make timing very difficult.
A nice set of EMD motors rumble north out of Owatonna with a short 30 car train in tow.
The wayfreight heads downtown to tie up for the weekend.
4 days before a full 31 years after ID:224777 was taken. 2 UP SD40-2's, an SD70M and SD60M swing around the bridge above the Straight river.
A quad-set of Rock Island's GP38-2s swing around the bridge above the Straight river. Original print by Jim.
Leading #61, Rock Island 395 creeps past the sunset in rural Owatonna. Original print by Jim.
A nice repaint leads a southbound down the ex-RI Spine Line.
M-CNKC rolls down the ex-Rock Island Spine Line with the usual run thru CN engines.
Pushing hoppers into a business, we followed the 3830 from Rochester.