CFS 647, 644, 8033 and 1828 at Scott-Jonction terminal
CFS 644, 647, 8033 and 1828 at Scott-Jonction terminal
CFS 644 at Aliments Breton
CFS 647, CFS 644 ex.OSR M420W with BCRail colours at new home on the Sartigan Railway, Quebec
CFS 647 ex.OSR M420W with BCRail colours at new home on the Sartigan Railway, Quebec
CFS 8033 at Aliments Breton
CFS 1828 at Scott-Jonction terminal
CFS 8033 at Scott-Jonction terminal
CFS 8033 at Scott-Jonction terminal.
CFS 1828 arriving at Scott-Jonction Terminal with a generator for wind energy.