450568 leaving St Denys.
66145 brings an intermodal service through St Denys.
158883 departing from St Denys with a service from Salisbury.
66715 passing St Denys with a trainload of gypsum.
66030 with a maritime intermodal service passing St Denys.
66711 passing Mount Pleasant crossing with the Mountfield - Southampton Docks service.
158880 passing Mount Pleasant crossing.
47802 passing Eastleigh with the Stobart Pullman.
66955 eases across the point work at Eastleigh after a brief stop for a driver change. The container terminal at Southampton is now only a few miles away.
35028 "Clan Line" emerges from Southampton Tunnel with the Eastleigh Centenarian charter
70013 speeds across the Solent with with a steam tour from Poole to Bristol.
A Cross Country service to Bournemouth seen between St Denys and Southampton.
SWT Class 450093 approaching Southampton Tunnel.
FGW Class 158956 passing St Denys station with a Portsmouth Harbour - Bristol Parkway service.
GBRf 66712 "Peterborough Power Signalbox" is seen working the 4Y19 12:15 Mountfield - Southampton Western Docks gypsum train.