CRC (NKP) 901 leads the days final Lima (Ohio) to Quincy (Ohio) passenger excursions put on by the Ohio Rail Expierence over the Auglaize river.
NKP 901 brings up the rear of the Ohio Rail Experience's "Lima Limited" excursion train, crossing the Auglaize River.
An Ex-Burlington Northern SD40-2 leads a southbound Indiana & Ohio train through Uniopolis.
NS 3170 leads an Allen County Historical Society excursion across the Auglaize River in Uniopolis, OH.
#3170 wearing the Southern paint scheme rolls through a field on the Indiana and Ohio Railroad line on Sundays excursion to Quincy, OH. 20.September.2015
Norfolk Southern SD40 3170 has been restored to it's as delivered Southern Tuxedo Paint Job. Here it crosses a stream just North of Uniopolis, Ohio on the ex DT&I Indiana and Ohio Railway. The t... (more)