Heavy 16 axles "Torpedo" cars with molten pig iron, which were brought from the blast furnace "Rogesa" in Dillingen to Völklingen with an electric locomotive, to the Saarstahl steelworks nearby, ... (more)
Three cylinder "Pacific" 4-6-2 express train steamlocomotive 03 # 1010 of DB Museum from Halle, is entering Völklingen with special steam express train 61945 of the Dampfspektakel 2018 from Trier... (more)
155 077 from former Railion-Logistics (nowadays DB Cargo) enters Völklingen station. In the background world cultural heritage "Völklinger Hütte" (Völklingen iron works, out of order... (more)
Moving liquid iron.... In front of the Unesco World Heritage "Ironworks Völklingen" SBB Cargo 203 652-3 and DB 294 954-3 are shunting different freight cars around the former steel mill. The SBB... (more)
Liquid iron transport between two plants of Saarstahl AG (shuttle service Dillingen - Völklingen)
At left, the very first specimen of the largest european locomotive series; at the background, the steelworks, which belong to the Unesco World Cultural Heritage List; at right, a "Regional Expres... (more)