MI-21 servicing Gerreshoemer Glass, Vineland NJ.
MI-21 arriving at Gerresheimer Glass, Vineland NJ
W&W 576 trailing the J101 northbound through Vinelnad NJ
W&W 576 leads westbound through center city Vineland NJ
Winchester and Western light power heads back to Bridgeton
Winchester and Western light power northbound into Vineland NJ
9006 trails as the J101 heads north through Vineland NJ
MI-21 arriving at Gerreshiemer Glass, Vineland NJ
NS 5223 leading the MI-21 through Center City Vineland
W&W Light Power heading back to Bridgeton, crossing the Maurice River, Vineland NJ
W&W 9006 trails the J101 south into center city Vineland
W&W crossing N Delsea Dr Vineland NJ
Winchester and Western 9006 leading across the Maurice River, on a return trip to Bridgeton.
MI-21 southbound, Vineland NJ