WKS 734 about to depart the Wanamaker Station and head back to Kempton with the Santa Claus Express.
WK&S 65 is ready to depart Wanamaker Station on a fine fall afternoon.
A local mixed train shuttles milk, newspapers and a passenger or two between rural Pennsylvania communities around 1940. Check photo data for exact date.
A steady rain is falling as WK&S 0-6-0T #65 powers a mixed train south towards Kempton.
#65 strolls by a small farmhouse and pond as she performs a photo runby during Christian Signorelli's photo freight special.
A crew member protects the crossing as WK&S 0-6-0T 65 departs the ex-Reading Wanamaker station leading the Harvest Moon Special back to Kempton. The red streak is from a red lantern on the pilot o... (more)
No. 65 departs Wanamaker with the WK&S's annual Santa special on a cold December afternoon.
WK&S #65 paces along the Hawk Mountain Line on a chilly December afternoon.
WKS photo freight stopped next to former RDG station
After the locomotive ran around the train on the siding, the WK&S Santa Claus train paused next to the Wanamaker station before heading back south to Kempton.