Soo Line GP9 401 works the paper mill at Whiting, Wisconsin.
A Soo Line local switches the paper mill at Whiting, Wisconsin.
The St. Point Commercial Job works the Consolidated Papers' mill in Whiting.
After finishing work at Whiting, Green Bay & Western 322 (ex RDG C424) crosses one of the trestles over the inlets to the Wisconsin River headed back to Plover.
#4 crosses the Plover River bridge just south of the Consolidated Papers River Mill. I had to walk out approximately 50 yards onto the ice to get this photo.
Pulling empty coal hoppers and boxcars from one of five paper mills in the area.
Everyday switching job at the paper mill, sorting boxcars of baled pulp and tankers of clay.
Plover patrol marchs south through Whiting, WI
WC 6595 crosses the Little Plover River on its trip to Wisconsin Rapids from Stevens Point.
L013 starts it's journey to Wisconsin Rapids down the "P Line" with fresh power for Wisconsin Rapids.
WC 1562 shoves cars into the Stora Enso paper mill in Whiting.