A local train prepares to depart Meiringen for the scenic run to Interlaken Ost.
A Lucerne-Interlaken Express arrives at Brienz, viewed from a BLS ferry named 'Brienz,' on Lake Brienz. I took this photo just before realising that I'd accidentally wandered into the first class ... (more)
A local train departs Brienz, heading for Interlaken Ost.
Articulated lowfloor FINK 3 car trainset ABeh 160 # 006 in multiple with ADLER 7 car trainset ABeh 150 # 003 are forming the Interregio 2933 from Interlaken Ost to Lucerne, on the 12.0 % grade (wi... (more)
Right the localtrain to Interlaken Ost, departure in a few minutes. First run the Luzern - Interlaken Express (left) with the Bistro Car
3-car ABeh 160 003 "FINK" and a 7-car ABeh 150 "ADLER" of the Zentralbahn are forming the Interregio 2224 Lucerne-Interlaken Ost near Käppeli between Lungern and Brünig-Hasliberg.
Another brand new trainset from Stadler Rail is the "FINK" ABeh 160 001 for the Zentralbahn. The 3 car trainset for adhesion and cogwheel will run between Lucerne and Interlaken. Here it is on a t... (more)