09014 has unusual company at Selhurst in the form of preserved Deltic 55016 'Gordon Highlander'.
Selhurst based 09006 undergoes a general overhaul inside Eastleigh Works during the 1988 open day.
The shunter calls 09001 across the highway with empty tanks for the 1635 departure from Barry to Baglan Bay. This is now the site of a housing estate.
09001 propels the tanks for the 1635 service to Baglan Bay alongside No.1 Dock. This area has changed beyond recognition since the photo was taken; in common with many similar places, it is now mo... (more)
Rarely photographed is the 'trip' working between Plymouth Friary and Prince Rock scrap loading area. Here 09013 is seen hauling two bogie scrap wagons towards the site for loading.
Final checks are made before 09001 collects the tanks for the 1635 departure to Baglan Bay - yes there are tracks amongst the weeds!
09003 shunts vans for the nearby Ford factory.
BR shunting locomotive 09013 under the floodlights in Park Sidings, Plymouth, United Kingdom