Under loud horn signals a procession of the Catholic Church is disturbed and split up in two by the oncoming CP 9308 with trailer 28-29 307. The 9308 was on its way as Regional 5114 from Sernada d... (more)
CP 9306 has nearly reached its destination as it rides as Regional 5105 from Aveiro to Sernada do Vouga over the combined rail / road bridge over the Vouga.
Before the sheds in Sernada do Vouga from left to right the trainsets 9406, 9301 with 28-29 305 and 9303 (Allan), 9405, trailer 28-29 303 (Allan) and diesellocomotive 9006.
CP 9303 with trailer 28-29 305 have just left Sernada do Vouga on their way as Regional 5108 from Sernada do Vouga to Aveiro. They cross the combined rail / road bridge over the river Vouga.