Manned helpers on the rear of a heavy soybean load push West after meeting the Spokane - Laurel, being led by five veteran EMD's. You honestly can't beat the way the MRL railroads, old school EMD'... (more)
The Crazy Mountains stand high above three veteran EMD's hustling an Eastbound manifest past t-bones, ribeyes and even some veal grazing on one of the many Montana ranches.
Hustling East over the 4th Subdivision, five SD45's have a 7700 foot Spokane, WA to Laurel, MT manifest on the drawbars catching early first morning light.
Dynamic brakes howl out of five veteran EMD's which have a heavy Spokane to Laurel manifest on the drawbars, easing down the emerald hills and 1.80% grade of Bozeman Pass.