Tram's queue at Kurczaki (in eng. Chickens:) loop.
Piotrkowska Centrum stop (called the stable of unicorns).
This tram car (and STOP sign) was set for workers protecting single track during renovation between Pomorska street and Telefoniczna depot.
Modernised Konstal tram enters Freedom Square.
Konstal tram approaches "marshal's crossing". Note triple track splot (used to improve traffic by eliminating the additional stop for the switches just before the intersection).
Welcome back after almost 8 years on A route 9 old tram has just started its journey to Olechow from Zdrowie Loop (located at Marshal Jozef Pilsudski Park).
805Na trams: 3320+3319.
Modernised Konstal tram crosses Mickiewicza Avenue
Konstal tram crosses railway bridge
Konstal tram on its way to Kurczaki terminal loop
Konstal tram approaches 'Tuszynska' stop
Konstal tram passes Orthodox Church of Alexander Newski