Retro Swedish-made NoHAB with the Gulács mountain in the background
A beauty Nohab ready to departure in early morning lights
60th anniversary of M61 NOHAB
Sz 19776 (Székesfehérvár - Tapolca) is heading towards Tapolca with "Csobánc" (376 m), "Tóti-hegy" (347 m) and "Gulács" (288 m) in the background.
Hungarian Nohab pair
60th anniversary of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV) NOHAB
Legends resting in the Budapest night
A special freight train for photographing, launched on the occasion of the "STEAM 50" festival organized by the "Steam Story Agency", hauled by the Hungarian diesel locomotive M61 001 and the Slov... (more)
4 of the popular Nohab/GM locos are seen at Tapolca depot in 1991. They are 61005, 61001, 61018 and 61008.
MAV Nosztalgia M61.017 hauls a special train to Spitz along the tracks of the UNESCO Wachaubahn near Weißenkrchen, Lower Austria.