PTRA's Job 141 heads north along UP's Strang Sub in east Houston, crossing the bridge at Harrisburg over Brays Bayou. This morning's transfer from Manchester Yard to North Yard sports 4 of PTRA's ... (more)
PTRA Port Job 235 accelerates up the UP Strang Sub off the Sims Bayou bridge and out of the vast industrial areas in the Port of Houston.
Sunday morning off.
PTRA's Port 150 job crosses Brays Bayou as it heads toward North Yard.
Motive power for a paper railroad sits at the North Yard shops with some lease power.
An evening job heads west out of Deer Park bound for Pasadena Yard.
A spot at the Westwind Terminal is nearing completion as clouds threaten above.
9601 switches the PTRA's Pasadena Yard.