The RBDe 567 171 ex TPF was with a new Stalder Orion on the Way from Erlen to Brig in Einigen.
Transfer run of the new doubledeck train ER1 # 057 from StadlerRail for the swedish Tåg i Bergslagen, pulled by railcar RBDe 567 # 172 of the TPF, rented by StadlerRail. The train circulated from... (more)
Railcar RBDe 567 # 172 "Vully" of the TPF (Transports publics fribourgeois SA), built in 1983 for the GFM, is pulling a train with 3 rolling highway cars, transporting a brand new streetcar type S... (more)
Push-pull train of the Chemins de Fer du Jura (CJ) with railcar RBDe 567 # 181 is running the regional train 26444 from Porrentruy to Bonfol, near Alle. This train (together with sister # 182) was... (more)
Push-pull train of the Chemins de Fer du Jura (CJ) with railcar RBDe 567 # 182 is running the regional train 26441 from Bonfol to Porrentruy, near Alle. This train (together with sister # 181) was... (more)
Electric railcar RBDe 567 174 "Fleurier" of Travys in Vallorbe. This railcar was built in 1983 as RABDe 4/4 105 for the Régional du Val-de-Travers (RVT), was later RBDe 567 315 of Trans... (more)