"Locomotive Burnout"... After a train stalls in Roanoke with 110 loads of coal, power from another train was brought in to pull it over the hill. During the rescue attempt, wheel slippage occurre... (more)
Located in different sections throughout railway systems, rail joints provide room for expansion whenever necessary. To keep electrical continuity between the rail at the joint, a "bond wire" is ... (more)
Resting on some 4x4 pieces of wood, a 6ft. section of rail has just undergone the process of Flash-Butt welding. The operator of a Chemetron hi-rail truck which houses the welding equipment, just... (more)
Little is left of the C&NW's line between Fond Du Lac and Clyman Junction when this photo was taken in February of 1990. The fog and frost only add to the sense of abandonment.
No one wants to see rails be abandoned, especially when the become a tripping hazard! A tunnel of grass has formed, higher than the rail itself, on this out-of-service portion of track that used t... (more)