This small steam named "Suzanne" viewed under the Ajecta roundhouse is a COCKERILL (Seraing) and was built in 1896 and full renovation have been made on 2015/2016.
This small steam named "Suzanne" on turntable of the Ajecta depot is a COCKERILL (Seraing) and was built in 1896. On the left, global view of the roundhouse during an exhibition where mo... (more)
This small steam named "Suzanne" on turntable of the Ajecta depot is a COCKERILL (Seraing) and was built in 1896
This small steam named "Suzanne" on turntable of the Ajecta depot is a COCKERILL (Seraing) and was built in 1896, On the left under the roundhouse, steam 141 TB 407 with the front door opened is o... (more)
This small steam named "Suzanne" on turntable of the Ajecta depot is a COCKERILL (Seraing) and was built in 1896, The 3rd class car (without roof !) is one of the first "Saint Germain" type who ha... (more)