A multi-system Vectron on loan from "Loco Train" hauling a passenger train private carrier "Regio Jet" from Praha Hl. n. to Košice.
In the glow of the setting sun the multi-system Vecrton, belonging to a private carrier Unipetrol Doprava, hauling a freight train from Petrovice u Karviné to Děčín.
The electric locomotive 193.205 hauling a passenger train Regio Jet from Praha to Ostrava-Svinov approaches the Odbočka Parník.
Train with trailers runs through the station Baden, seen from the hill with the ruin 'Stein' near the station
An only Vectron locomotive belonging to the private company PSŽ hauling a train with wood passing town Vojkovice
RJ 1003 Praha hl.n. - Košice
RJ 1012 Košice - Praha hl.n