Train K1207 departs from Guangzhou Baiyun Railway Station and is about to arrive at Guangzhou Railway Station
The train K944 passes through Shifan Railway Station.
DF4B ‘s cab in view.
Train is approaching Yangchun station.
Train K1207 passes through Guangzhou Baiyun Railway Station
DF4B-3404 and DF12-0062 are towing coal train across the sea bridge.
DF4B-2234 in Chunwan Depot.
The K1205 train passes through Xiedie Bridge and is close to Foshan Railway Station
Internal combustion locomotive Pulls Pick up Train Running on Guangzhou Sanshui Railway
2 DF4B locomotivess in Hunchun depot.
The oil tank container train runs on the Guangzhou Sanshui Railway
Cargo trains pass through the city
Coal mine trains pass through mountainous areas