The disappeared diesel engine facility.
After climbing sidings in the back, the consist is approaching to Sierra station, catched just crossing Sauce Grande River bridge . Picture taken 7:00am for this twice-a-week service in 2013, sup... (more)
Ferrobaires Engine facility ,Today the company does not exist anymore,and the place is used to store cars out of service.the locomotives were transferred to the state, but today they are out of se... (more)
Taked with railroad´s permission.
ALCo. power in the General Roca R.R.'s passenger services! Uncommon assignement of an ex-General San Martín R.R.'s RSD35, leading number 320 (daily Bolivar to Plaza Constitución).
This old pic is a tribute to the recently extint FERROBAIRES, a company that lasted 25 years in service covering small populations throughout Buenos Aires and La Pampa Province. Corruption, lack o... (more)
The end of an era,2018 end of Ferrobaires Passenger services.
3 AM. Charging brakes before departure to Plaza Constitución. Unfortunately, this service does not longer exist.
An accident at the Route 41, occassionally crossed by trains and without signals to prevent. The car was displaced about 18 feet until stop and affortunately nobody was injured.