The Mexicali to Mexico City intermodal has just begun its journey and is about 10KM or so from Mexicali Yard as it races south with cars sharing the ROW and the stick rail going snap crackle pop l... (more)
Having finished up with the industries in Palaco, the Morning Local gets ready to head south east to Pascualitos and on to Parque Industrial Valle del Puebla. The wide right of way to the left of ... (more)
On the edge of Palaco, nearing Pascualitos, the FXE Morning Local finishes a pull from Fábrica de Jabón la Corona S.A. de C.V. (La Corona Soap Factory) being framed under a tree that has grown d... (more)
FXE4649 south running over the main to meet an empty grain train at Dunas, this siding helps to receive all trains going north due to the mandatory stop for military review