Steam locomotive 99 1741 is passing over the 110 meter long and 23 meter high Hüttenbachviadukt on the way from Cranzhal to Oberwiesenthal.
Steam locomotive 99 1794 is passing over the 110 meter long and 23 meter high Hüttenbachviadukt on the way from Cranzhal to Oberwiesenthal.
Steam locomotive 99 1741 is leading the second train of the day from Cranzahl to Oberwiesenthal.
Train P 1001 from Cranzahl to Oberwiesenthal on the 750 mm narrow gauge railway with the leading steam locomotive 99 1794.
The 750 mm narrow gauge steam locomotive 99 1794, built 1956, pulls train P 1007 from Cranzahl to Oberwiesenthal.
The 750 mm narrow gauge steam locomotive 99 1741, built 1929, pulls train P 1009 from Cranzahl to Oberwiesenthal.
Cold !
2-10-2 tank engine 99.772 nears Neudorf, heading for Oberwiesenthal in the former East Germany.