This freight train hauled by a Siemens "Vectron" 193 owned by HUPAC is arriving from Switzerland. In a few kilometers he will be at the Interporto of Bologna. This and other HUPAC locomo... (more)
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 492 of the Hupac, rented to Widmer Rail Services (WRS), is pulling the empty tank car train 69654 from Wil freight yard (Bettwiesen-) via Winterthur-Kloten-Regens... (more)
193 # 497 of the Hupac (Siemens Vectron), rented to BLS Cargo, is pulling the southbound Ambrogio intermodal train 42031 from Neuss Hessentor/Germany to Gallarate (Busto Arsizio Terminal)/Italy, o... (more)
Siemens VECTRON 193 # 495 of Hupac, rented to BLS Cargo, is leaving Spiez with a southbound intermodal train, together with Re 475 # 412 VECTRON of BLS Cargo in multiple traction.