BAR 64 is getting its cab removed by the Dismantler. All the old BAR GP 7 and 9s were scraped (except for 4) in July and August 2005 by order of the Bankruptcy Court
Switcher moving pigs during a blinding snow storm
Plow extra heading North on the Millinocket Sub with the plow and lead unit covered with snow
Searsport Local is ready to leave Hermon after the conductor just finished walking the train. It has empty tank cars to be loaded Bunker C oil for paper mills
Sulfuric acid extra in Searsport to deliver to Delta Chemical
Conductor throwing the switch so the Searsport Local can leave Hermon
Spreading track 9 at Derby before heading to Brownville Junction to spread the yard
Searsport local rounding a sharp bend with 2 F40M-2
East Millinocket Switcher hit a log truck going to Millinocket and derailed with 3 loads
Ironroad NMJ turn coming in on GRS track to set off cars for Guilford. Notice an NBS GP9 as rear unit. Brought down for repairs
Once the cars were put back on they were hooked to the wreck train which moved them to a siding about 10 miles south
Three leased LLPX GP38s hauling a unit train of sulfuric acid to Delta Chemical Searsport
Meet at the Wye NMJ turn must wait
NVR 513 is pulling BAR 22 GP7 and BAR 352 GP38-2 from the Engine so they can be started outside after being repaired
Turn table and engine house at Nothern Maine Jct showing 3 GP38-2 with Q-tron system BAR 360, 366 and 352 and a F40M-2 456