NMJ Switcher heading to switch Pine Tree Propane
Plow getting ready to leave NMJ but before leaving a fire must be built inside the coal stove. It get really cold in a plow on a winters day. Smoke is coming out of the plow stack.
BAR Plow Extra coming in from Derby and plowing 90 track at the Farm in Northern Maine Junction
Searsport local waiting for switches to be cleaned after a big snow storm
Ironroad Northern Maine Junction Turn coming into the Farm at Northern Maine Junction after dropping its train derailed 2 units HATX 408 GP40 and HATX 176 GP38 while HATX 401 remained on the rail
Ironroad BAR Plow Extra on the move after fixing the horn. It is in Brownville approximately 6 miles from Derby where it will tie up.
Ironroad BAR Plow Extra originated from Oakfield but had to stop at Sherman to fix a frozen horn
Ironroad 901 on the mainline getting ready to pick up its train and head west while NBS is own mainline waiting to come in and pick up its train
Ironroad B&A Q-trons at Northern Maine Junction waiting to go to work as the Switcher-Searsport Combo. That it snow!
Plow extra stops in Millinocket before heading to Fort Kent