Lake Railway 319 at the port of Morrow, Boardman, OR.
Goose Lake Railway train LVPD (Lakeview to Portland, OR) eases alongside the Pit River as the canyon winds it way toward Alturas, CA. It was carrying 10 perlite loads, 3 loaded wood chip cars and... (more)
The Lake Railway local heads south from Lakeview, Oregon to Alturas, California with a load of perlite and two loaded center beam cars. Pulling the train are GP49 LRY 2809 and ex-Army Baldwin RS-... (more)
The weekly train from Lakeview to Alturas passes Chimney Rock on a summer morning. Clearly, when the Nevada-California-Oregon narrow gauge came through, someone had to move.
On a hot July day, Lake County's boomer GP7 (originally delivered to NKP!) departs Lakeview for the UP interchange at Alturas.
At the end of track on the Lake County Railroad, LCR's ex-Nickel Plate geep switches out the perlite plant.
Done switching industries for the day, Lake County's ex-Nickel Plate GP7 is returning to the railroad's shop. After completing some paperwork, the train will be off to the UP interchange at Altura... (more)
The southbound Lake County local tied up just north of the Alturas Yard Limits with loads of Perelite and one centerbeam of lumber.