Linz - Passau (Passauerbahn)
Here 185 515-4 rushed through the now demolished Haltingen train station. At the time, the locomotive was leased by RAILTRAXX BVBA from Borgerhout in Belgium.
Passauer Bahn (Passau - Linz)
Passauer Bahn (Linz - Passau)
Mixed freight train passes the brigge over the river "Fränkische Saale" in Gemünden in direction Lohr and furtheron northwestbound. The Traxx Locomotive is owned by Leasingcompany Alph... (more)
185 510 from Railtraxx passes Denzlingen station with a southbound container train.
185 510 from Railtraxx passes Kollmarsreute with a southbound intermodal.
Railtraxx 185 510 pulls a freighttrain down the Spessart ramp. On the right you can see the new line, construction work is nearly finished and from this summer on, the new line will replace the ol... (more)