Savatrans coal from Sugar Camp Mine running as EVWR train SS1 arrives at the transload facility along the Ohio River at West Franklin, IN.
Savatrans coal operating as EVWR train SS1 heads down the Vectren Lead to their transload facility at Abee, IN.
A duo of Savatrans ES44’s lead a loaded coal from Sugar Camp Mine to Sitran Mine in Franklin, IN.
An empty coal train from the A.B. Brown Generating Station in West Franklin, Ind., rolls past a rural railroad crossing east of McLeansboro on February 13, 2015. The Evansville Western Railway is ... (more)
Savatrans ES44AC locomotive # 1912 is seen pushing coal train SS2 up the hill in Mcleansboro, IL on 1-19-2013 headed for West Franklin, IN. # 1912 is numbered 1 of 3 locomotives in representation ... (more)
The simple yet striking paint scheme adorning the trio of Savatrans ES44ACs complements a typical Midwestern scene. This coal train had recently finished loading at Sugar Camp Mine and was trundl... (more)