After shuffling some storage cars around Darlington, the former BAR GP9 creeps through a rock cut near state line as it heads back to the Youngstown & Southeastern shop in Negley, OH.
The Youngstown & Southeastern is seen moving a cut of storage cars on the Pennsylvania side of the railroad. After the former BAR GP9 clears with a cut of tank cars the Paducah rebuild will go far... (more)
The Youngstown & Southeastern is seen making trip into Pennsylvania to shuffle some storage cars around in Darlington. Its been nearly 6/mo since the Y&S has made the trek into The Keystone State,... (more)
Y&S 1706 sits out side of the North Lime yard office waiting till morning for a long days work.
IBCX 8343 leads the construction and demolition train through Frederick Cut en route to Negley, Ohio
IBCX 18 and IBCX 8343 sit in North Lima. They run under Youngstown & Southeastern Railroad and is owed by Indiana Boxcar Corporation.